Saturday, February 23, 2019

Setting and Game Theme

We are on game day 6 of the recent campaign reboot.

It's set in an oceanic environment in the southern part of Arduin.  The starting game play is in an area of the ocean known as the Green Vault, which is south of Khaora, the main continent of Arduin, where the county of the same name lies.  Consider it placed north of the equator but south of that continent and between the islands of Chorynth and Aranzian Isles.

The focus is primarily on the interplay between the two island countries and their ongoing economic war.

Chorynth is a loose federation of cities ruled by a ruling class of city-state princes.  It is a renaissance styled swashbuckling culture with a strong sea faring and freedom fighting tradition.  Its previous name was the Malanchian isles and home to the Malanchian Kingdom.  It was overthrown by a religious sect that followed the deity Set.  The great world snake corralled the island in its shadow and for 48 years slaughtered and murdered the inhabitants.  That rule ended in a final rebellion that cost the island the lives of 3/4 of its population but destroyed every trace of the snake priests and their god.

In the near 3 decades since, the islands have seen vast repopulation, mostly from Viruelandian refugees escaping the mainland and an influx of amphibious oceanic races that have carved out a home on the island.

  • Slavery is considered intolerable
  • Openness to many races is desired, except for serpent races
  • Open worship allowed except for Set or similarly aligned deities

Aranzian Isles is home to a militant and strict people who have cut their island home into a series of strong city-states ruled by a single military authority from the main island.  Each city-state serves under the dictator but has a strong ruling power known as a seawall prince. 

The Aranzian ideal is to serve one’s country faithfully and well, earning standing and fame through militant and adventurous deeds edifying themselves, their family and kingdom. Aranzians are very rank conscious due to the power afforded to reputation and fame.

Even if one's leader is a scumbag, worst of the worst, not following their orders is tantamount to vilifying one's family and casting shame on them.

  • Faith to the kingdom, family and self, in that order.
  • Being industrious is everything.  Move up in life by service, deeds and power.
  • Anything goes as long as its an order from above or in keeping with being productive

Economic War

Chorynth lost command the ocean trade when they fell to the religious rule.  Aranzian Isles stepped into that gap and took over nearly all the shipping lanes in the Green Vault area.  In that last decade, the two island nations have been at economic and sometimes outright war as they fight and scramble to maintain dominance.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

New Game start

New game is set in Arduin, on the ocean area south of Khaora.  It lies between the Aranzian and Chardosian isles known as the Green Vault sea.

I'll start documenting the escapes of the gaming group as time goes on.  It has a core group of five, with 2-3 that show up every other game or so.

More to come.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Rebooted Arduin Game

Rebooting my Arduin game for the millionth time after a long bout of illness.

Stay tuned for new adventures!