Saturday, March 16, 2019

Salt Ring

Loot from one of the previous sessions.

Salt Ring

Stores a total of 24 cubic feet of salt.  Currently loaded with 5 ft of salt (oceanic).

Power 1:  (automatic) Can add salt to any magic cast, leaving a salt rime on any target or targets of the magic. 
Power 2:  (automatic) Removes dangerous amounts of salt from any food or liquid ingested, as well as salt that touches the skin.  Breaks the effect of OP 4 or less salt-based magic in 1 turn.

Requires activation; only one of these can be active at a time

Power 3:  (24 hour cycle).  Convert 1 cu. ft of salt to another salt type.
    Troll salt — damages trolls like acid; works on oceanic/sea trolls as well.
    Elemental Salt - damages elements, regardless of type, like acid.
    Life Salts — damages undead, disintegrating them 1 HP per round that the salt is on them.
    Wake Salts - Will awaken any sleeping creature if applied to the skin
    Burn Salts — Burns the skin of living beings, causing 1 HP per round until washed off.  If wounded, this doubles to 2 HP per round.

Power 4: (1 per day).  Summon a Salt Elemental.  Requires a ready source of salt (like the ocean) or at least 20 cu. feet of salt to be used from the ring storage.  Lasts until dismissed or maximum 4 hours, whichever happens first.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Great Current Road

Wanted to talk about this phenomena of the Green Vault Sea area.

The Sea Witches of the area maintain their underwater dominance primarily by being able to move rapidly and in numbers from place to place.

Most of that happens via a couple of powerful currents that they control like roads under the sea.  It allows them to move large amounts of troops rapidly, at depths of up to 8 atmospheres (2400 ft) of depth, including "land" troops in hardened bubbles.

It also happens to be something that is used for transportation of goods, people and other sundries as needed.  It takes roughly 8 days to travel via current from Chorynth to the Damned Isles.  It otherwise would take 8 to 20 weeks by sea or roughly 3 weeks by skyship.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Green Vault and Ilustrain Island

:::: More background

Green Vault
Range of ocean from the southern coast of Khaora to a point near the Shrinking Shoals, which are the last remnants of the previous Ilustrain Islands nation.  The dominant ocean leaders are said to be the loose confederation of Sea Witches, Aranzian Isles and the Chorynth Isles, in that order.

While the Sea Witches are considered the strongest, their disorganized loose tribes find it difficult to wield power as effectively as the other two nations.  At least on the surface.

Ilustrain Island's
This island nation was destroyed, physically and culturally, when the giant hulk of a decaying starship dropped on it from the sky.  The impact caused massive upheaval but the island was truly decimated when the winner of their space duel launched massive kinetic strikes on the wreckage and the island.  This destroyed the area and submerged a majority of the islands. 

In the afterwards, the area became polluted from toxins leaking from the starship engine, creating a zone of poison in the water and as noxious fumes above the islands and shoal remnants.  It's avoided by all but the hardiest of adventurers or thrill seekers, as the radiation is still very active.  The currents are hectic and twisted in the waters of the area.  Rogue currents and winds are known to drag in ships from even miles away unexpectedly and send them racing into the rocks and shoals.  This has created a maze of shattered ships that rises out of the water when the shoals surface.

Ilustrain was known for their coffee and a few other miraculous plants that grew on the island.  While mostly hailed for their use in cooking, magical or otherwise, some were outright powerful in their raw or natural state.  One, the Royal Inusett Fruit, grew only once a decade but had the power to rebuild a man, from inside to out, re-crafting them into a more powerful version of what they were.  Another, the In-In-Ott flower, had a scent so powerful that it was said to rid a man of poisons, parasites or illness immediately.  The caro-caro-ton root was celebrated for its strengthening effect on a man's inner power (Ki/Chi) and was a hallmark of their island martial arts monastic traditions.

Geographic Places and Locations of Note:

  • Green Vault
  • Khaora
  • Ilustrain Island
  • Shrinking Shoals

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Setting and Game Theme

We are on game day 6 of the recent campaign reboot.

It's set in an oceanic environment in the southern part of Arduin.  The starting game play is in an area of the ocean known as the Green Vault, which is south of Khaora, the main continent of Arduin, where the county of the same name lies.  Consider it placed north of the equator but south of that continent and between the islands of Chorynth and Aranzian Isles.

The focus is primarily on the interplay between the two island countries and their ongoing economic war.

Chorynth is a loose federation of cities ruled by a ruling class of city-state princes.  It is a renaissance styled swashbuckling culture with a strong sea faring and freedom fighting tradition.  Its previous name was the Malanchian isles and home to the Malanchian Kingdom.  It was overthrown by a religious sect that followed the deity Set.  The great world snake corralled the island in its shadow and for 48 years slaughtered and murdered the inhabitants.  That rule ended in a final rebellion that cost the island the lives of 3/4 of its population but destroyed every trace of the snake priests and their god.

In the near 3 decades since, the islands have seen vast repopulation, mostly from Viruelandian refugees escaping the mainland and an influx of amphibious oceanic races that have carved out a home on the island.

  • Slavery is considered intolerable
  • Openness to many races is desired, except for serpent races
  • Open worship allowed except for Set or similarly aligned deities

Aranzian Isles is home to a militant and strict people who have cut their island home into a series of strong city-states ruled by a single military authority from the main island.  Each city-state serves under the dictator but has a strong ruling power known as a seawall prince. 

The Aranzian ideal is to serve one’s country faithfully and well, earning standing and fame through militant and adventurous deeds edifying themselves, their family and kingdom. Aranzians are very rank conscious due to the power afforded to reputation and fame.

Even if one's leader is a scumbag, worst of the worst, not following their orders is tantamount to vilifying one's family and casting shame on them.

  • Faith to the kingdom, family and self, in that order.
  • Being industrious is everything.  Move up in life by service, deeds and power.
  • Anything goes as long as its an order from above or in keeping with being productive

Economic War

Chorynth lost command the ocean trade when they fell to the religious rule.  Aranzian Isles stepped into that gap and took over nearly all the shipping lanes in the Green Vault area.  In that last decade, the two island nations have been at economic and sometimes outright war as they fight and scramble to maintain dominance.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

New Game start

New game is set in Arduin, on the ocean area south of Khaora.  It lies between the Aranzian and Chardosian isles known as the Green Vault sea.

I'll start documenting the escapes of the gaming group as time goes on.  It has a core group of five, with 2-3 that show up every other game or so.

More to come.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Rebooted Arduin Game

Rebooting my Arduin game for the millionth time after a long bout of illness.

Stay tuned for new adventures!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A little behind

So, true to course I'm running behind posting the misadventures of my new group.  After ending my Arduin campaign, we decided to take the plunge and not only jump into my older world of Mearoc but play out an idea that shocked my brain a few weeks prior.

After a series of lightning exchanges between Josie and I, we drafted out a solid d100 system reminiscent of what we talked about in early 2003.  It took form rapidly enough and the Austin group had enough game to give it a try.  It has been a blast and worked more seamlessly than expected.

Mearoc has twelve moons and a long story line cum mystery that Josie has been involved with off and on for the better part of two decades.  It seemed just to name the system after the moons and in short a title of Destiny of the Twelve Moons was born.

Now, where the mechanics have blossomed, the players unfortunately did not.  After a short series of 6 games, all but 1 met their doom.  Some were done in by the eruptions of a earth ley line while others died when the Heyd Kray in their midst gave into her fury and melded with the majestic anger of a giant storm element spirit that was wracking the land above.

So, we convene again in another week and we'll see what the next game brings.  The sole survivor, driven deeper into paranoia that underpinned the character, has set his feet to travel again: never to take another as a friend lest he lose them as well.

That means all the players will be crafting new characters.  I'll post the backstory of the intrepid ones as soon as time allows.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

On to Mearoc!

With my Arduin game in ashes I've returned to my origins.  If you happen to follow the blog, you will begin seeing the outcome of my current games set in the world of Mearoc, employing the new Destiny of the Moons game system.

If you are looking for further Arduin material, I can help you as much as possible.  While I have moved away from playing Arduin entirely and working on a new system and world, I still enjoy talking about and playing it!  So throw any questions desired my way and I'll either answer or send you to the right person.


Monday, May 5, 2014


New Group breakdown:
  • Chiktik (Clamp), Phraint Techno
  • Úzgari Ironjaw, Orc (with a bit of airshark mixed in) Savage
  • Sir Raschid, Human Runeweaver
  • Talara min Ándulán, Elven Psychic/Mage
  • Sarlen the Fortold, Throon Paladin

****** our story ******
Talara and Raschid couldn't part with the magical shell house they had discovered after breaking the arcanely wrought waterspout cum nexus.  That meant they had thrown down their gear right next to it (at a safe distance, of course) and snoozed. 

Everyone else was much less sanguine and had returned to town.  It was the next morning after all the excitement that someone was awoken, once again, by a banging on the door.  This time it was Sarlen who was awoken.  Or, disturbed more appropriately.  He answered the door and curls of meditative spices and incense issued forth.  It quite overwhelmed the poor fellow at the door, who did his best to communicate that Phelan (town mayor) wanted to see him between coughing and gasping for air.  He had tried to get Chiktik as well but the Phraint would not answer.

The two of them walked away to meet the mayor about the same time as the other group, mildewed and
achy from sleeping in the field also awoke.   Their awakening was equally disturbed.  They quickly realized that the house had moved during the evening, sprouting legs from the look of it.  It wasn't very far away but obviously had shifted position.  Additionally, Raschid was gone.  Not departed, since he had left his gear, weapons, including his value Mare's Leg rifle, some blood, and more obviously the clothes he was wearing.  Úzgari employed his now keener nose to follow the trail, picking it up pretty easily though he scented something odd.  Made him hungry for seafood.  The trail meandered up to the edge of the nexus filled mist  until it disappeared.  On the ground, where it ended at the mist was a giant 8 ft snow flake of ice and crystal, slowly melting in the rising heat of the sun.

About the same time Sarlen made it to the ever so popular crisis center for the town, e.g. the town's old square with the large fountains.  There he had a chance to confer with Phelan and learn that Filimine had been struck down, petrified in mid-step.  While he did not know her directly, Sarlen recalled her from his discussions with Raschid.   He was also unsure what Phelan wanted from him.  Filimine, when he looked her over was a petrified statue with a metal projectile sticking out of her neck.  She looked to be taken by surprise. 

Phelan seemed vague, something Sarlen had no  time for.  He made to leave and Phelan bade him wait and listen a moment more.  He conjectured that the survivors of Triangularus, those dozen and a few that survived, might be in danger.  By his reckoning, more than half had already perished.  Of those remaining, only 8 survived.  Filimine was one of those as was Conn, who had died but a few days ago.  Others had fallen before that in battle, or so they thought.  Phelan thought it suspicious and wanted to say so.  Armed with this info but not unduly alarmed, Sarlen left the town for the fields where Raschid, Talara, and Úzgari had rested.

While he was gone, Clampy (aka Chiktik) had roused from the workshop.  He examined Filimine and then inquired in his flat voice for witnesses and directions to where she was found/shot.  He had divined the metal sliver was from a projectile.  He traced her steps back to where she was shot and examined the area while intimidating witnesses.  They provided little of value but they did give him a location.  He found traces of a person who had lain in wait and then shot from afar.  He was on the trail to it when he heard an explosion and looked across the town to see a column of smoke rise.  Chiktik flitted his way across the rooftops towards it.

He oriented quickly on the smoke and made it to the Dwarven Quarter.  He came across many feverishly digging in the rubble of several fallen buildings.  Interrogating them he learned that Sven, and numerous engineers had been trapped below.  They told him the golems had went mad and leveled the buildings, trapping many people below.  They also related that the golems were hollow and had pumps.  The information seemed of note, though he couldn't quite place it.  He considered helping for a moment but was distracted by a second explosion across the town.  He didn't even bother to listen to their cries before he was on his way across the roofs.

The others, after realizing nothing could be done about Raschid, returned to town.  It seemed the best place to go.  They had only made the gates when they saw the first column of smoke.  That had them running across town.  They made it upon the wreckage of the first right as Chiktik sprinted across the rooftops and away.

Their calls brought him reluctantly back and they quickly conferred before moving together across town.  They came across a group of the golems attacking anything that moved and crunching buildings as they deployed out, seemingly at random.  Numerous engineers were trying to shut them down but without success and mostly getting stomped for trying.  The group laid into them like a wild fire on dry brush.  They fell rapidly, most dumping out large amounts of salt water when they fell.

They hurriedly interrogated the dwarves and learned that all the town golems have pumps and can hold large quantities inside their torso compartment.  Raschid pointedly noted that Phelan had said he would put the previous criminal in the "belly of a golem".  Must have been literal. 

The dwarves further noted that the golems had been cleaning up from the massive salt water wave yesterday and taking it to the makeshift desalination apparatus the dwarves had created near the cistern.
Decision quickly made, they departed to the cistern.  It was underground, guarded by a squat, heavily fortified building and two guards.  They alerted the two guards there, quickly gaining their trust after they were recognized (it wasn't hard).  The guards let them know that golems had only just passed through.  Divining that something must  be happening right now they sent one guard to phelan and demanded the other come with them. 

Inside was a giant tangle of pipes and machines.  Water was piped from down below and up through the
town.  The desalination area was empty.  The only other place they could have went was down.

Down turned out to a rapid descent via the hook the golems connect to.  They plummeted down rapidly.  The drop ended in a wide-mouthed opening into a very large room full of pipes and pumps churning away.  Water lay on the floor and it was very damp and poorly lit (dwarven maintained – who needs light?)

Chiktik entered the larger room while the others came down.   In the immediate room were 4 large golems but they were frozen to the floor and water was iced around their joints.  He took it in while the others came down and did recon.  It didn't take him long to find the culprit.

It was floating in a shimmering haze of light green and had the smell of salt water and foam.  It regarded him and the others when they arrived carefully but did not attack.  They, in turn, held their weapons though it
almost broke out into bloodshed when the Throon and Shark-a-Orc arrived.  Talara probed it carefully with her psychic powers and it responded in kind. 

In quick, short sentences it exposed that it had been ejected from the deep ocean yesterday and had been stranded.  Sensing water it had come here but had been dismayed to find it fresh water.  Water, however lacking, was better than the land and air so it had stayed.  It had been roused by the transit of the golems and a group of others.  These golems had attempted to attack it when it came to investigate.  It froze them solid.  After a short discussion, it agreed to depart after they gave it directions to salt water (which was hella far away, but still...). 

Pressing on, they navigated the tangle of pipes and engines that probably only made logical sense to the dwarves that had created them.  While cautious they were caught unawares in the pinchers of an ambush.  They came from all over the pipes and engines and attacked rapidly.  Fate smiled on them and one of the explosive freezing spells twisted in the caster's hand and landed upon him and those around him instead.  The fire, however, was not and exploded around them, joined by the explosive retort of gun fire and the stomp of feet as two groups charged at them.

What happened next is best described by these two pictures:

The Throonish Paladin of Xuanth lay about him with four blades filled with the divine ecstasy of his order.  He harvested men like chaff from wheat and 7 men fell less than a minute.  Úzgari smashed one opponent but was thrown clear across the room to in front of the Throon by a brute of a Urukk with a glowing arcane blade.  Talara disoriented minds, confused aims and used wreckage to vast effect to stay alive.  Chiktik leaped and let loose with his gun to turn a group of attackers into minced meat.  He killed several others with his blaster, sending a beam of death hurtling in a path greater than 200 ft long. It pierced foe and pipe alike, rupturing many. 

Then, the battle turned.

Sarlen took a series of hits and spells in fast succession.  Even empowered by Xuanth with fervor it drove him to one knee.  Chiktik's beam had several pipes gushing out great sprays of water, knocking down many and disrupting sight.  His nearest foe, realizing he would die no matter what, pulled two grenades out and tried  to take out everyone around him.  Chiktik was grievously hurt.  Even badly wounded, they managed to turn the tide back and kill off enough of their attackers before they fled.

Or, tried to.

In the battle, Chiktik had glimpsed what looked like a 9ft tall elongated lizard, not Saurig but something more reptilian and long necked.  It was wrapped in a similar ocean-hued aura as the previous horse-creature they had met not too long ago.  Chiktik grabbed the one survivor and took him aside to interrogate him where those of lesser sensibilities wouldn't be offended.  He didn't make it far before the man's head erupted into gore.  That sent him hopping back to the group and taking cover.

A few tense moments passed.  Nothing showed.  Or, at least not at  first.  They were surprised to see Raschid come stumbling in, wet and without his pants.  The simultaneously dressed, congratulated him on his survival and interrogated him.

While hurt, he seemed in no bad way.  They retreated with him surface side and continued to check him out until they were satisfied it was him and no fake.  He told them he had been waking up intermittently, knowing he was being moved.  He had also been encased in ice until the end.  He was, strangely enough, saved by Pond.  His dying nemesis had been savaged by a long clawed hand as had been his guards.  The group that attack them may have been his mercenaries but he suspected they had been mind controlled potentially.  More than one thing from under the sea was loose.  What he had seen looked more like a jellyfish floating in air but he had gained  sense of power from it.

Getting back above they spent a short time recuperating.  Events kept up their fast pace so it wasn't much, a modicum of rest but it seemed enough.  By pooling what they had learned and new intel from Phelan and Sven (once they dug him out) they found another of the squid-things that had plagued them before.  Chiktik, in a fit of intense genius worked out how to detect them.  He crafted a head dress, that crowned the head and ran down the back.  It had a mess of lens that dropped and raised as the wearer examined someone.   With it on, you could discern who had the creatures in them.  Not just one but two.  One of which he gave to Phelan (after checking him of course).

Raschid slipped during the hubbub to look at the arcane house shaped like a great shell.  He explored it some more and found, to his chagrin, it was very much still active.  It whisked him away to parts unspoken until he returned wrapped a man-sized electric blue feather (and many stripper jokes ensued).

After a long runabout town they figured out that four more people where infected.  Two were maintainers for the golems (go figure) and the others sold food.  One was the restaurateur that owned the place Úzgari dined at every night. 

While many plans were thought of and discarded, Sarlen eventually called the town together (most came) and slew them all in one rapid fire attack.  Then, with the evidence before the townsfolk, related what had occurred.

The entire town turned out to help search for anyone else who may not have been examined.  The places owned by each were searched.  The restaurateur had two secrets.  One was that he had been trying to infect Úzgari with no success.  Seems Úzgari was immune to just about anything as long as he ate it.  Two was that he had a hidden entrance that led underground.

It wasn't the old way found either.  Near the Phraint's workshop another opening had been found.  It wasn't new but old and poorly concealed.  A quick search had revealed it connecting into more caverns below.  Once it had been well concealed but the iron building that had decimated the area with its arrival and departure had destabilized the hidden entrance.  They had to drop a ladder down it just to get in.

They rested the night to catch their breath and think. On the next day they learned the magic house from under the ocean was gone.  It looked like it had grown legs and walked into the nexus mists, altogether like a giant hermit crab.  They also had help coming.  The mayors had dedicated 60 dwarves and men to their cause.  Zuchin as well chose to come.  They were to go down each of the two entrances.  The group chose the one via the restaurant. 

It was a winding mess of tunnels and raw cave that seemed endless.  The group of them went carefully, checking ahead and behind.  It was fruitless for a long time.  Then they  came to an underground grotto with a strange nexus gate. 

One formed of magic.

It frothed white and the heavy scent of the ocean lingered.  Past the white foam that settled on the grotto floor, they could pick up scenes from the bottom of the ocean.  Something or someone, had rebuilt in miniature a similar gate to what had previously churned above ground.

Raschid  reached out with the choatic power in his soul and poured it into the nexus.  It destabilized and lines of white fire snapped out.  The power that looks behind Chiktik's eyes looked forth and grabbed onto the power.  It seemed everyone's lines suddenly connected to Chiktik and he drained the power out of them while muttering "0100011101010010010101".

In the lull afterwards, the group noticed groups of the flying sensor jellyfish floating overhead.  Fate's six fingered hand intervened, bringing them into a collision at the same point.  Chiktik timed their juncture and hit them with a Tesla grenade.  Then the mama jellyfish came out and Chiktik threw 4 firewater grenades.  He had miscalculated, though, and didn't realize the blast radius was going to be quite so large.

In that thin second before it all happened, everyone took an action.  Talara revealed how she survived the fall from the airship earlier.  She called upon Saren and was spun into a beam sunlight.  Rashid, using all the chaotic energy in his body and that of his demiurge bond, spun though endless probabilities until he found one where he survived.  He pulled Sarlen along with him though to paused a second to consider Zuchin before
committing.  The necklace Úzgari had found many weeks ago after Triangularus served him.  It had one life within it to give and it gave up its energy to allow him to survive.  His name was burned into the last blank stone and it became inert, its magic used up.

Chiktik, closest to the explosion, died.  Very little remained of his body excepted boiled chitin, burned metal and his blaster, which survived somehow.  They did not mourn him long, however, as he body began to reknit and heal, reconstituting from what was left.  When he could communicate, he did not speak of it.  Only hint that it was related to a debt, that had become either lighter or heavier by its use.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ships, Sharks, and Waterspouts

Time slipped into a day or two before they knew it.  The exhaustion of the previous days had taken their toll.  Raschid woke first.  Mainly to someone hammering on his door.  He roused and drowsily made his way downstairs.  The hand on the door was a messenger from Phelan, the town mayor.  He sought Raschid's counsel.  After some prep, mainly in making sure he looked as best as possible, Raschid made his way towards the town's "conflict center".  That was synonymous with the town's fountains, where Phelan and often Sven had set up a makeshift center for everyone to report.  Since they had, things had become a bit more organized in the town's response to problems.  It was unfortunate that he did not even make it there before another piece of chaos presented its face.  Well, unfortunate to the town but not to Raschid.  He personally reveled in it!  This face, however, took the form of an airship, one careening out of control as it skidded across the clouds lingering over the town.

It turned on its side, burning, and Raschid watched as people fell from the sides raining across the town.  Raschid pushed back a laugh, smothering it when the messenger looked at him, startled by the sound.  They watched together as the ship continued turning, raining people before it burned across the town and then slammed into the mist somewhere past the town in the northeast.

Both joined the people rushing to assist those that fell.  Few lived and those they came upon were dying rapidly from the fall and burns.  All except one lady.  She was disoriented but okay.  Even had her luggage!  Her name, upon introduction, was Talara min Ándulán.  She was a passenger on the ship and had recently departed from Maelshyra.  They had left before Triangularus, hopeful of being safe by rising high above the clouds and into the night sky.  In an instant it seemed that they had transited a vast distance and next she knew the ship was under fire by something and tipped sharply back and forth.  When a great hole formed in the side of the ship used magic to soften her fall and push away the debris during the descent.  It exhausted her, which was why she was so disorientated.

Skeptical, but accepting her story, at last for now, Raschid sarcastically welcomed her to the shithole of the northeast, aka Leiberton.  Startled at his comment she passed her thank you back and accepted the messenger as an escort to the noble's quarter.  Raschid went back to meeting Phelan.

Of course, Chiktik had heard it all.  He was busy, though.  He'd gotten it in his head to make his way into the metal building.  He started with a shovel.  It made decent process.  When the impact of the skyship nearly collapsed his hole, he buttressed it.  Then, when pebbles rained down on him, first in one's and two's, Chiktik climbed out to find he had a fan group of children.  In quick order Chiktik organized them into helping him.  First in moving dirt and then in helping him craft and transport in buckets a makeshift solvent to dissolve the earth more easily.  He made it into a game, one that he knew human children liked, and it worked.
The Orc, given to following his appetites had done little but eat, sleep and occasionally fight when something made it far enough into the town.  Most of it he found quite edible.  The impact of the skyship was of mild interest but when no fighting ensued he ignored it.  The town was feeding him, keeping in alcohol and fighting.  

What did he have to care about?

Raschid, on the other hand, had a bit more to worry.  He made it to Phelan, only to see Sven give him an odd look and then depart, leaving behind a dozen of his engineers and several golems.  He filed it away for later examination.  Phelan, studied him and them let him know that his watchers had seen Sklarda walk into the mist yesterday evening.  The sounds of battle quickly followed it.  The outcome was pretty definite.  In the flat silence that followed, Phelan also added that he thought Leiberton was still a good town, even with the damage and fallout from Triangularus.  Raschid quirked an eyebrow and managed to look a slight bit guilty.  Phelan also noted dryly that he was going to have Raschid's quarters cleaned and upgraded with the best the town had available since he didn't want to leave the impression that the town was not thankful for all he had nobly down.  

Raschid accepted gracefully and made amends.

He returned, later on to find his quarter lavishly laid out.  He also acquired a golem butler.  Well, sort of.  It could open doors and close them as well a few other minor tasks.  It quickly showed its worth as he was visited by a stranger.  A man named Pond.  Rather a shadowy sorts though he had affected a noble's manner.  The marks of poverty and unclean life were clearly written on his frame, no matter what level of prosperity he currently enjoyed.  Pond also had the air of a man who commanded, not followed.  The conversation that occurred proved it.  Over good whiskey, Pond laid his complaint forth.  He tired of waiting for the good authorities to put things in order.  It was bad for business, this mess.  He found the mayors ineffective and stupid and wanted to take action, not wait for rescue like some fabled damsel in distress.  He knew from research that the underground was not wracked like the above with the clouds left by Triangularus and the nexus storm.  He was also sure they connected not to just one town to the west of them but a total of four.  He wanted to send groups underground re-establish communication with the towns.  Especially the town near Fort Blood.  Arduin stationed an entire regiment of troops there.  Not just anyone, though.  It would take men of standing and wealth for the commanders of troops to listen.  Someone only a man of rank in the military or rank in the nobility could inspire.  Which led him to Raschid.  As a noble of Arduin the military there would at least listen, if not send someone to replace the bumbling buffoons that led Leiberton currently.  Rashid offered to think about it and would give word this evening.  After Pond left, Raschid sought out Sven.

It didn't take him long to find the dwarven enclave and the golem foundry.  While he had to wait a bit he did get an audience.  He inquired with Sven about the idea of tunnels below the town.  Sven agreed that they existed but his family had plumbed their depths many times.  They had built the foundry in them and while
many of them wandered off randomly, most were of little use and led nowhere.  Those that were truly dangerous they had capped.  He knew of none that led to the other towns but admitted that it might be possible.  If anyone knew, it would be Pular DiamondEye, his lead engineer (and cousin, of course).  Pular had twisted his leg recently and was in the infirmary.    Raschid was welcome to talk to him but Sven warned him that he was old, cantankerous and disrespectful.  Raschid shrugged and said he didn't care. 

Pular was as insulting as described, as well as wild haired and stumbling around on a case, even though his leg was wrapped in a metal casing.  In between his bitching he reaffirmed that no tunnels led from the town to anywhere, especially south near the river (who builds tunnels near river?  Idiots!  Maybe goblins...they like to live in muck and shit.).  Raschid waded politely through the vulgarity until Pular finally nodded off and then he made his escape.  He wandered the town, inquiring (poorly) with any scruffy character he could find about smuggling and underground paths.
While Chiktik continued his digging, Úzgar found different fun to get involved in.  Eating and drinking had started to get boring so when someone dropped by and asked if he would see Conn, the Sun God Priest, he decided to go out of boredom.  He took his weapons and drug along the hardened femur he had liberated last week.  

In hindsight, it was a good thing he did.

Conn had been working the last couple of days on find a way to destroy the mist using the power of the divine.  Focusing his power over the sun's light, he had found that he could enhance it to burn away the mist.  After trying this with objects and whatever random animal he could find that didn't get away first, he was ready to upgrade to something a bit more mobile.  Namely a volunteer.  Úzgar didn't even bother to let him finish before motioning for him to continue.  Conn limned him in fiery light and bade him enter the nexus
mists.  Úzgar didn't even pause before leaping in!  The burning sunlight destroyed the mist around him.  After watching Úzgar destroy mist, Conn waved him back in.  He wanted him to do something grander.  To make a path to the wreck of the skyship that looked to be burning somewhere beyond the town in the nexus mist.  Úzgar agreed but not for free.  He didn't want gold or jewels but for a touch of Conn's deity to stay upon him, to heal him should he be hurt.  Conn agreed.  Anlorn, who had been late for the original call, chose to join Úzgar in making a path towards the skyship.  A small group was assembled to follow, mainly medics and a few man at arms to protect them.

While everything was being prepared, Conn reassembled his shrine to Saren, adjusting it to focus even more power on the two.   He then called over the two and bade them pick up doors someone had taken from one of the buildings nearby.  He was going to not only light them but the doors as well.  That way the two of them could break through more mist than just by pushing with their bodies.  While a bit uneven in height they make it work, clearing a wide corridor towards the downed ship. 

The first sign of success was when they began to come across debris.  Chunks of the ship embedded in the ground with great force.  They also found an occasional body, or at least what looked like one.  All were horribly burned nearly to being unrecognizable.  While slow, they made progress until they were interrupted.  They had no warning or they would have grounded the doors and pulled weapons.  As it was, the metallic tiger came over and around Anlorn's door before he could blink!  He got lucky and it ripped ragged gouges in the door instead of him. 

Úzgar was first to react and threw down his door while simultaneously unlimbering his axe.  He brought it high and around, embedding it solidly in the beast's back.  It cried out, wrenching the axe from his hands.  It also sprayed its acidic blood in his face.   He felt his skin and eyes boil and a cry of pain dropped from his lips.  He dropped back, cradling his face before he felt the burning flames of the sun sear his face and he cried out from a different pain.  It burned away the acid and healed his wounds though it vastly dimmed his light.

The incredible pain sent Úzgar into berserk rage and he ripped the bone weapon from his back while shoving his hand into one of his Owlbear claws.  He leaped on the metallic feline, just as it opened up Anlorn's side.  A blink seemed to go by before he came back to his senses, standing over the smote remains of the metal tiger.  He could hear the cries of those running from the town and the pain filled whimpers from Anlorn.  The tiger had coughed up a great amount of bloody acid on him and he was literally burning up from where it pinned him down.

He helped them free Anlorn and drug the metal tiger back to town.  Conn was exhausted but staggered to his feet to assist them.  Úzgar he sent on with only the barest of healing.  A slow healing that took a lot of time, food, and rest.  Conn was saving his remaining power to rebuild Anlorn's badly burnt body.  Seeing little else to do, Úzgar and under orders to eat until he could no longer, Úzgar left to do just that.
He couldn't name the place, even if he could read the stupid human scratch that adorned it.  The sign had a scrawny looking chicken on it.  At least to his eyes and that was good enough for him to find.  They plied him with food and beer and he ate. 

Meanwhile, Raschid found his attempts to find information hunger inspiring and stopped in at eatery that looked to hold the type of people he was seeking.  He was unhappy to find that dinner came with company.  Mainly Pond.  Who spent a few minutes insinuating that his feelings were hurt that Raschid didn't trust his word about the underground pathways.  Their verbal sparring led to Raschid holding the position that he would need to talk to his friends first.  That they were a necessary part of his decision.  Pond, in turn, indicated that he didn't care for such obstacles.  That Raschid may not even have a choice.  With that, Pond departed, leaving Raschid with a sour taste and a desire for better company.  Better company did arrive in the form of Talara.  Dinner was improved hundredfold at that point.

Chiktik found his way to the side of the building.  And something more.  He found an aperture he was sure he could manipulate to let him in.  That sent him back to his makeshift workshop to craft something to simulate what it expected.   

Úzgar now, he was eating prodigiously even for him.  Must have been the priest's magic.  When someone bought a round he didn't even bother to notice when more mugs slammed on his table.  It tasted odd, though, not that he cared.  Not much existed that he couldn't eat, be it fair or foul.  When he saw someone do it again and add something to the drinks, he got suspicious.  When he confronted the weasel looking man, he fled.  It seemed a good time to work off some food, so he gave chase.

Chiktik had formed a wooden hemisphere bound with metal.  He's pretty sure it can be used to trigger the sensor if he can get the size right.  He wrestles it into the hole and is setting it up when he sense dirt dropping into the hole.  Not a little either.  He moves to leave and is hit with a shovel full.  Chiktik scrambles past other flying mounds of dirt to find a golem trying to fill his hole.  It ignores him when it commands it to stop so it rips out its circuits and shuts it down.  He's above ground when he hears a commotion.  One with Úzgar bellowing.

After a brief glance at the hole, he jumps to a nearby building.  There he sees Úzgar chasing a thin human.  The skinny human ducks around a corner with Úzgar hot on his tail.  They don't get far before 9 people boil out of nearby buildings and alleys to confront Úzgar.  It seemed logical to assist and so he leaps into the melee.

Blood  flew fast on the wind and in a short time 2 men are down, shredded by Chiktik's nail filled gun.  Úzgar bloodies several others before two others join the melee, this one a man of power.  The mage quickly freezes Chiktik fast and holds him still.  The others, seeing him no longer a threat, go after Úzgar.  Except for two.  One had a steam gun and points it at Chiktik.  The superheated water both boils and nearly drowns Chiktik.  Held by magic he can do nothing but throw his will against it to break the domination.  Úzgar, pissed at the odds, goes berserk.  One of his foes gets lucky and cuts his achilles tendon.  A few others get hits in but he cuts down 2 foes in short succession.  The mage tries to extend his domination over Úzgar as well but it's too much and he fails.  Chiktik shakes loose and between him and Úzgar they defeat them all.  Chiktik takes the steam gunner and his guard prisoner.  Then he executes the guard to teach the other man a point.  Úzgar, heavily hurt (again) falls over.  He's barely alive thanks to his earlier beating and now this new one.  When people from the town show up (finally) they are requisitioned to carry him to Conn, the Saren priest for healing.  They take off with him and begin policing up the bodies.

Raschid and Talera show up in time to take control of the prisoner.  They drag him to a nearby abandoned building (no one wanted to live near the metal building).  Inside they try to get him to talk but are interrupted when someone tries to assassinate the prisoner.  Raschid shields him while Talera tries to foil the attack.  His shield was an invocation of chaos and when the next arrow flew to kill him it disappeared instead.  The prisoner rewarded Raschid by punching him in the unmentionables.  Raschid manages to hold it together, though and forms manacles and gyves with his runeweaving.  They lose track of the assassin.  Unable to get him to talk they go back out to the street.  In short order they run into golems and Phelan.  He had come to find out what had happened.

When he hears of the planned assassination, he takes control of the prisoner.  Grimly he tells them that someone had assassinated Conn with an arrow to the throat.  It seemed to come out of nowhere, striking him where he fallen in an exhausted sleep after tending the wounded.  He promises them that he will get the prisoner/would-be assassin to speak.  Enough time in the belly of a golem will make anything speak.  They try to find Chiktik but he's trapped the opening of the tunnel he had made near the metal building with his blunderbuss.  Unwilling to try it, they leave him alone.  Unbeknownst to the others, he succeeded in opening the metal building and was pulled inside.

The day passed with some anxiety but no further attacks came.  Úzgar got back on his feet with some help from Dwarven alchemists.  While no match for Conn's divine healing, their potions were extremely effective.  Unsure of how to deal with Pond or what he will do, they craft a deal with Filimine.  She agrees to capture him in return for a hefty price in well made jewelry.  Pond had asked her to kill Raschid's companions anyway and she had turned him down out of loyalty since they had all stood during Triangularus.  She agrees to let on to a change of heart and see if he will try to hire her again.

Concerned about Úzgar, both Raschid and Talara visited.  Talara used her mental powers to re-align Úzgar's mental image of his form.  Usually this forced the body to resume a more healthy alignment.  Unknown to her, Raschid boosted her power with his chaos rune, causing runaway regeneration to build in Úzgar until he was healed and some.  Unhealthy and powerful energy surged in his body.
Later the same day word comes while they meet with Phelan that a squadron of riders have come out of the mist into the town.  The riders are from Talismondé!

In quick succession they learn that the crown has been pushing riders along the crown roads to the towns.  Also that the riders have crystals constructed by the College of Magic that can temporarily push back the mists left by Triangularus and the Nexus Storm.  This group was the first to push northeast to Leiberton.  They had imposing figure, a Throon, one Sarlen the Fortold, Paladin of Xuanth, the god of fate and destiny.  While the king's men and Phelan/Sven coordinated, Sarlen went around the town.  He spoke to the people and followed the path laid out for him by his god.  When he came to the foundations of one of the destroyed libraries he was pulled by the six-fingered hand of fate.  Filled with divine power he invested the locals with divine purpose.   In short order, people showed up and declared their desire to rebuild the library, including Zuchin, who had stayed just to plumb their depths.

Once he was flush with the knowledge of the town, Sarlen felt emboldened to do more.  Hearing of the crashed skyship, Sarlen went to the royal riders he had accompanied.  He spoke to their lead until they agreed to lend one of the crystals to him to take to the skyship.  He swore upon his god that it would be returned. 

They agreed.

Armed with its power, Sarlen the Fortold cajoled the townsfolk to join him in going to the skyship.  When none stepped forward at first, he tried again.   Úzgar didn't wait long.  Feeling a bit left out, so did Raschid and Talara.  They more than prepared and set forth.

The mist pushed away like, ahem *magic*, with the crystal in hand.  In the path they walked, fields of debris were everywhere.  Some were huge, burned out ribs of the ships or still smoldering remains that burned with lingering heat.  Unfortunate remains of those who could not escape the skyship lay everywhere.  They checked those they could reach but none still lived.

As they progressed, the crystal seemed to strobe and pulse.  It pushed the mist farther back in waves rather than a stable circle.  They were puzzled by the strangeness but proceeded on.

In one especially powerful surge, it opened up a giant area.  One that revealed what predators had moved in to take care of the remains.  Airsharks, merely 7ft long on average, babies in truth, but more than 9 of them.  They dived from the sky in waves, focusing on the Throon more than anyone else.
The battle was short, but brutal.  Talara hid under the frame of a nearby chunk of the skyship.  She used her mental and magic powers to confound them.  The best was when she used fire to explode the bladders of one of the sharks, the ones filled with gas that they used to fly. 

Úzgar hacked and beat down the sharks with wild abandon.  Two fell between them all but the rest were
destroyed when the hand of fate pulled them into a wild tangle, including one with a burning tail courtesy of Talara.  The explosion was not without its side effects.  Talara hid in the lee of the ship piece and it sheltered her.  Sarlen had been bowled over by an airshark moments earlier.  That ended up saving him when the sharks exploded since the flames went over him.  Úzgar, as fate would have it, suffered the worst.  He was surrounded by the sharks when they were pulled in and suffered the full force of their explosions.  He was in part incinerated and in part ripped apart by it.  However, the unhealthy regeneration they had filled him with earlier kicked in, absorbing the parts of airshark that covered him.  What he returned as was something not quite Orc anymore and much more airshark.  The changes were disconcerting but quickly accepted since most were not obvious, at least to those who didn't know him.   In the end, no survivors were found and they returned to town.  They did figure out however, that the skyship's crystal engine was what caused the surges.  Feeling it was useful, Sarlen rolled the Throon sized crystal back to town.

Chiktik made an appearance shortly afterward.  He explained little about what had happened and did not hint that he had been taken into the metal building.  Or that he had spoken with its AI and that it had chosen to let him live in return for using him as a means to better understand Arduin and those that dwelled here.
Things were quiet for a spell but in time, the riders needed to depart once again on the trail.  The skyship crystal engine had been used with one of the crystals to clear a huge radius around the town.  It revealed to the south a strange oddity, a titanic waterspout churning in the ground and reaching into the cloudy sky.  Given a choice of leaving with the riders and checking out the waterspout, as a group they selected the waterspout (and to stay).

Investigation of the area revealed a field of iron and rock chunks that surrounded the giant waterspout.  It also got colder the closer they came to it.  The ground was frosty with ice next to it.  Recon also showed it was filled with deep sea creatures that moved and swam without care.  It also showed that the rocks and iron chunks came from the spout.  They were thrown every hour or so with wild abandon as well as other random odd things from under the sea.

Raschid, feeling it was more magic than nexus in nature, worked on unweaving it.  He wrestled with it for hours, nearly 9 in total before piercing it a little.  The break in the magic was its undoing as water squirted out in a long jet as it revolved.  In short order it further destabilized and exploded into a vast explosion that rained down for miles.
After they recovered, they explored the debris field, finding many curious things.  A magical shell, the size of a two-story house, surrounded by layers of magic.  Obviously some magic dwelling sucked from the depths of the ocean somewhere in the world.  It was sealed tightly with magic.  A long metal shipping container.  Numerous other things of use and power.  Not to mention a lot of potential edible seafood, which Úzgar and Sarlen slurped up with gusto.

Filled to the brim they return back to town.  Chiktik bargained for wagons to move his metal container.  Inside he had found crates.  Within the intact ones he found grenades of strange design but not beyond his intellect to fathom.  Upon return he bargained to get a workshop for 10 years in the town in return for the metal container (the dwarves wanted the metal and to understand its alloys).  The rest found their own way and took a short respite.